Jotham Wong


Hello! I am Jotham Wong and I am working towards my dream of becoming a professor. I am interested in systems research, notably distributed systems, cloud computing as well as low level computer architecture. I am currently working on a stream processing engine for my UROP. In a previous life, I was a software engineering intern at a Chinese social media company, a Southeast Asian food delivery company and a New York trading firm.

Life goals

Go to a nice grad school. Come back to NUS as a professor and teach CS4225. Demolish the bell curve. Remove all MRQ and MCQ exam formats. The ideal exam format is a mix of short answer questions as well as fair format questions. Fair format questions involve a final answer and workings. If final answer is right, we are done. If it's not, award marks based on workings. I also want to work on meaningful projects and write beautiful papers that people will read. Have meaningful collaborations with smart students and industry researchers. SystemsResearch@Google is a goal.

This turtle represents me.